Cargo 'Snap-on' bearingblock
TheCargo is aone-piece 'Snap-on' bearingblock withanti-splash lip.
ThisnewlydevelopedCargo 'Snap-on' plasticbearingblock isauniquedesign
withwhicha solidone-piece full lengthbearing strip canbe created.
Injection moulding rather than extrusion was chosen for this process, as it
achieves the highdensity andprecise dimensional stability required. Despite
the large surface of the one-pieceCargo 'Snap-on' bearingblock, it exhibits
extremely low friction and the very high wear resistance one has come to
expect of theCargo Floor bearing block.
The unique hooks clamped into the support rail prevent the bearing block from
vertically protruding from the rail, thereby holding the floor profiles in place at all times.
Anti-Splash lips:
TheAnti-Splash Lipprevents road splash anddebris from entering the support rail and contami-
nating the inside of the floor profiles, keepingwear to the bottom to aminimum.
Aluminum subdeck:
The special 25x25 [1x1"] aluminum U-shaped square section not only provides
stability between the cross beams, it also serves as support and anti-lifting
device for the plastic Cargo 'Snap-on' bearing block. This profile can also be used for other
bearingblocks, such as theCargo Twister.
This aluminumU-shaped profile can also be riveted on steel crossmembers.
Simple and ergonomically assembly:
Press theCargo 'Snap-on' bearing blocks vertically from above into the
aluminium support rail.
Slide theCargo 'Snap-on' bearing blocks in the aluminium support rail
(press a vertical stopper at each end of the rail to lock the bearing blocks in place)