Cargo2014GB - page 18

Profile type Clarification
Profile survey: CargoBulkmover 15profiles
Completely smooth for product protection extreme light weight
This smooth profile has a balanced weight and strong proportion to make it suitable for transporting almost
every product. The unique shaped seal canbe pulled in the profile to avoid leakage andprotect the transported
product against road dirt andwater splash. The seal itself is also protected by the shape of the profile. To seal
both sides of themovingfloor surface one double seal profile is provided.With this double seal profile the floor
canbeeasily turnedafter several years, toextend the life time. Thisprofile canbemountedonmost of theplastic
bearingblocks and sub decks available.
The plastic bearings underneath are protected by and enclosed within the shape of the aluminum profile, this
gives an excellent stability to thefloor profile and is alsoprotected against street dirt. The enormously large sup-
port and bearing surface provides an extremely long lifespan. For safe and clean emptying the trailer, all floor
profiles will be sealedwith an end cap in aluminum. The profiles aremaintenance free, however cleaningwith
a high pressure steam cleaner is permittedwithout any concessions. Thewidth of the profiles is engineered so
that enough space remains for twofixed sideprofiles inwhichapproved cargo lashingeyes canbemounted. The
profile is 100% recyclable and keeps a certain residual value. Also available in 10mm.
The profile is NOT suitable for the transport of pallets andpackaged goods by themovement of the floor.
A dedicatedHeavyDuty profile
This profile is a so called dedicated profile. This means that the profile is especially designed for the transport
of special (mostly extreme) products. Because of the two protruding roundmerlons this profile has a very high
impact resistanceand the special round shapemakes it easy to clean.Moist anddustyparts flowback into the so
calledbarrel shape, somoist,mud anddust can simplybedrained to theoutside and almost no leakage through
the floor occurs. This also protects the seal. Because of the lowweight a prefect pay load ratio remains. The
profile is NOT suitable for the transport of pallets and packagedgoods by themovement of the floor.
XHDI (X-tremeHeavyDuty Impact)
This profile is a so called dedicate profile. This means this is a profile that has been especially designed for the transport of
special (mostly extreme) products. Because of the three protruding roundmerlons this profile has a very high impact resis-
tance and the special round shape makes it easy to clean. Moist and dusty parts flow back into the so called barrel shape
gutters, somoist, mud and dust can simply drain to the outside andwill hardly leak through the floor. This also protects the
seal extra. Because of the lowweight a prefect pay load ratio remains. This profile is less suitable for the transport of pallets
and packaged goods, these need to be loaded and unloadedwith the help of a fork lift truck.
This profile is a so called dedicate profile. This means this is a profile that has been especially designed for the
transport of special (mostly extreme) products. Because of the two protruding round merlons this profile has
a very high impact resistance and the special round shape makes it easy to clean. Moist and dusty parts flow
back into the so calledbarrel shape, somoist,mud anddust can simply drain to the outside andwill hardly seep
through the floor. Because of the lowweight a prefect pay load ratio remains. This profile is NOT suitable for
the transport of pallets and packaged goods, not evenwith the help of a fork lift truck!
LR/LP deckslat
This profile is speciallydesigned for the leakproof and leak resist applications of theCargoFloor. It fits over a full
length solidplasticbearing stripand can't lift away. There remains a channel inbetween themoving slats tomake
high pressure cleaning possible. The profile can only be combinedwith a special T-subdeck. The total configu-
ration of the T-subdeck, solid bearing block and this deckslat profilemakes the highest resistance against high
impact! It is not suitable for carryingfinematerials and pallets. Also available in a 7mm. light weight version.
Alu profile 6/156,8mm smooth
(art. no. 77.4915)
Nonmoving sideprofiles
Alu10/133mm Leak Proof
deckslat HD (HeavyDuty)
(art. no. 89.3497)
(art. no. 81.5440)
Alu profile 11/33-156,8mmHD SEALLESS
(art. no. 83.5533)
Alu profile 8/20-156,8mmHD
(art. no. 79.5208)
Protection cover cylinder rod side
art. no. 7371052
Protection cover cylinder bottom side
art. no. 7371053
Protection covers
optional available
Protection cover control valve top side
art. no. 7371054
Protection cover control valve rear side
art. no. 7371051
RHD art. no. 7371055
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