TheCargo Floormovingfloor
Step 1:
three hydraulic cylinders move the
entire floor as a whole in the selected direc-
tion, thereby transporting the cargo
Step 2:
one hydraulic cylinder pushes one
group of floor profiles (= 1/3 floor section)
back underneath the cargo, while 2/3 of the
floor section remains still, the cargowill hard-
lymove as a result
Step 3:
one hydraulic cylinder pushes one
group of floor profiles (= 1/3 floor section)
underneath the cargo, while 2/3 of the floor
section remains still, the cargo will hardly
move as a result
Step 4:
one hydraulic cylinder pushes the
third and last group of floor profiles (= 1/3
floor section) underneath the cargo, while
2/3 of the floor section remains still, the car-
gowill hardlymove as a result
Step 1 is repeated again.
The frequency and
thus the speed atwhich these steps are repe-
ated depend on the output of the hydraulic
pump. Theavailablepower atwhich the car-
go can be moved depends on the available
pressure of the hydraulic pump. The Cargo
Floor 'moving floor
' System is designed for
amaximum payload of 44 us tons / 40 tons.
The principleworks in two directions, in other words theCargo Floor
'moving floor
' System can be used to LOAD andUNLOAD product.
Transportation speed
Standard 2,6m/min. = unloading trailer 13.6mtr. appr. 6-10min.
Powerspeed4,8m/min. =unloading trailer 13.6mtr. appr. 3-5min.
TheCargoFloor 'movingfloor
loadingandunloadingsystem for the fastandefficient transportofal-
products, which typically are loaded from above and unloaded
horizontally from the rear by theCargo Floor 'movingfloor
' System.
It can also be used to load and unloadpackedmaterials.
Floor structure
The Cargo Floor 'moving floor
' System is composed of floor profiles
installed lengthwise, parallel to each other. The Cargo Floor drive sy-
stemmoves thefloor profilesbackand forthwithin thepower strokeof
the threehydraulic cylinders. The cylinders aredrivenbymechanical or
hydraulic systems (no electronics). The floor profiles aremade prima-
rily from aluminium, but they can also be supplied in steel or another
The density between the floor profiles is ensured by a high-quality
plastic sealing profile; Semi Leak Proof floors and even 100% Leak
Proof solutions are available.
Cleanunloadingof bulk products
By using a moving partition, the floor/container can be unloaded in
a virtually clean manner. The moving partition hangs from running
rollers that are mounted on an integrated rail at the top of the side
wall (Cargo Floor has developed special heavy-duty six-wheel
rollers for this purpose, which also clean the rail in two directions; Art.
no. 5165003). A cloth, ontowhich the cargo is unloaded, is secured
underneath the moving partition for moving the partition across the
floor. But a cloth over the floor, instead of a moving partition, will
do just as well. Do not forget to roll it backmanually (for the sake of
reliability, weight, costs) and hang it on the bulkhead for the next
Returning packed cargo
Besides bulk cargo, you can also load and unload a variety of packed
cargo, such as: pallets, paper rolls, bigbags, compressed bales, etc.